Wednesday, 15 July 2009



I do enjoy reading Courtney Love's barely legible tweets about skincare and whatnot.

Yesterday my friend and I went to do some thrifting on Brick Lane. I'm using the term thrifting extremely loosely because East-end vintage prices are getting a bit ridiculous, I think sometimes people forget that it really is just old clothes. I do want to try and start going to car boot sales and rummaging in charity shops a bit more but it's mostly a nice idea in theory, since all the good stuff in the London area gets snapped up by the vintage sellers. Vicious circle. We decided to stop for lunch in a kind of pop-up Pizzeria in the Truman Brewery we'd never eaten in before. One glance at the menu revealed that a pizza in this place cost £12. Is East London dying?


  1. oh, you gotta love Courtneys tweets...

    I'm always amazed at how much a trip to london shopping costs me these days! Heaven forbid if you want to eat too! x

  2. I loved the previous post!
    beautiful skirt!


  3. i love how crazy she is!

  4. I agree, prices everywhere seem to be so high, ebay/etsy it is then. I will have to check out Courtney Love's twitter, I need a good laugh.
