Saturday, 11 July 2009

Eye Candy For The Style Hungry


I must say that I am rather enjoying Facehunter's updates from Reykjavik at the moment. I went to Iceland's capital in April and it is quite honestly one of my favourite cities I have ever visited. It's tiny, it has a lagoon, geysirs and Skyr, the best yoghurt I have ever eaten. Ever.

It is also a goldmine for vintage shopping. I bought a vintage faux fur leopard print coat for about £45 and it pains me that it has yet to be cold enough to wear it at home in England. Oh, and a nice little Reykjavik english-language newspaper, The Reykjavik Grapevine, was where I first read about one of my favourite bands, Wavves! Definately my kind of place.


  1. I love this girls hair and the pink tights. Oh and I've got those shoes too stylish girls must think alike :)


  2. yeah i went to iceland about 5 years ago..seriously dying to go back...
