Friday, 10 July 2009

Oh that was so real


Cheeky! I've been coveting one of those men's YSL logo t-shirts for an age now but seeing this from The Selby makes me want to whip out the fabric pens and have a go myself.

I know it's July but ever since Topshop announced their A/W '09 collaboration with Christopher Kane I've been ridiculously excited about planning my upcoming winter wardrobe. I already love (and own many) plaid shirts, cardigans, thick knit tights and bobble hats in various shades of black, navy, charcoal and grey - I just really need a pair of clunky boots to add to my (colourless) menagerie.

You might remember a few posts back that it was love at first sight between myself and Topshop's Agnes lace up boot? Well, Agnes may have some competition because I can't stop thinking about Aaliyah since the new lines were added to the site this morning...

As lovely as these beauties are, and as much as they share a name with my most beloved R&B diva (Beyonce who? R.I.P) the peep toe and the crazy heel make them kind of impractical for everyday in the gloomy British weather. I can see fashion bloggers going gaga for them though.

Actually, my eye has been wandering even further into pastures anew. I've never thought of myself as a River Island girl but check out these babies:

They also come in brown. I think they're fantastic and at £64.99 they're about a hundred quid cheaper than the extremely similar All Saints military boots. I'm actually really torn between purchasing these or a pair of traditional, black patent Doc Marten's. I've heard the process of breaking in DM's is a nightmare though. Any thoughts?


  1. I can't believe they're River Island.

    I love your blog! You're beautiful.

    x x x

  2. I'm thinking biker boots are a definitely autumn wardrobe staple! love these Office ones... as featured in the sunday times style mag this weekend I believe! x x

  3. Oooh Chichi babe I like those too...decisions!

  4. I ordered the Agnes boots, they're so nice, I much prefer them to the peep-toe style everyone's going gaga over. I can't believe River Island has produced such a thing! I have DMs already, they're still a bit stiff, but look cool. The allure of them is lost on most though. And don't even get me started on YSL tees...
