Sunday, 4 October 2009

Haus of Victor & Rolf

I think the best exhibition I've ever seen in London was last summer's 'The House of Viktor & Rolf' showcase at the Barbican. In fact, I really regret the fact that I only went once; it was that good. I really love the way Viktor & Rolf bring art and fashion together in order to make something both surreal and classically beautiful. Alongside projections on the walls of their most famous collections, there was a huge dollhouse structure filled with china dolls dressed in miniature replicas of their creations. I could have easily stood and stared all day.

This brings me nicely to Viktor & Rolf S/S '10, with which they didn't disappoint:

I have a really bad cold and I've spent my weekend watching East-End gangster films, but when I saw these gowns I literally gasped audibly - they appear to defy gravity almost. So strange, yet at the same time still quirkily wearable.


  1. Those dresses are SO amazing!
    I think that alongside Prada, Victor and Rolf was one of my favourite collections.
    Thank you for the comments on my blog, I spent an afternoon perusing your blog, do you want to exchange links?

  2. HOW DID THEY DO THAT????? that is unreal!
